Making of the shootout scene from our interactive video comic book “HELPER”. Download “HELPER” from
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World’s first real shot, interactive video comic book app Helper highlighted on national newspaper Milliyet.
Maybe there are three kinds of people in this world, those who make it, those who don’t, and those who criminate in this movie. They believe in the impossible, and they try to make it chorus in. Because in the heart, when you want to trade in life, you find the mountain, in the failure of triumph. Because in the heart, people see air and I know, if you have the thing to go, reason hard to see, the corona star, the spirit, the mountain, and man’s Rex afore. Or to say it another way, man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?
Original: clip from the movie “Gizmo!”, directed by Howard Smith, 1977

World’s first real shot, interactive video comic book app Helper highlighted on Webrazzi.
Web Film created for American Red Cross via Mofilm. Shot on Canon 5D Mark 2 with Canon 50mm f1.2 lens.
We sacrificed one of us to make a trip to city of sins, Las Vegas, to complete equipments for office. When team was looking at thousands of photos taken during the trip, the idea of making this video came up. Designing cartoon characters of team members was so much fun and the finished work take its place to be a reminder for first steps of agency.